How to Fight Periodontal Disease at Home: Try These 5 Natural Remedies
If you’re dealing with issues affecting your teeth, gums, or mouth in general, it’s essential that you do everything in your power to address the issue nice and early, before it has the chance to develop.
When people think of the dentist, and oral health in general, they instantly tend to think of the teeth, and for good reason. Of course, we need to look after our teeth and keep them looking their best, but at the same time we also need to ensure we look after our mouths and gums.
Issues affecting the gums can cause a great deal of pain and discomfort and need addressing sooner, rather than later. One of the main reasons why people dealing with gum issues are forced to speak to a dentist, is a condition known as periodontal disease.
If you’re having issues with your gums, periodontal disease could be to blame. To help you understand more about it, below we’ll be looking at what periodontal disease is, before looking at how to fight periodontal disease at home.
What is periodontal disease?
Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, is typically caused by an infection or inflammation of the gums, and indeed the surrounding bone tissue that supports the teeth.
Initially in the early stages, it is known as gingivitis and can cause the gums to become inflamed and swollen, perhaps with a touch of blood. If allowed to develop, it can lead to periodontitis, whereby the gums may erode away and be pulled from the bone, and bone tissue may even be lost.
Not only is that painful and unsightly, it can leave the teeth weak and vulnerable and may result in them falling out.
How to fight periodontal disease at home
The good news is that periodontal disease can be naturally treated and prevented entirely. Here’s a look at a few natural remedies for treating and preventing periodontal disease at home.
Salt water
Salt water when used as a mouthwash is a very effective antiseptic.
Not only does the solution help to destroy bacteria which could cause infection, it can also ease pain, swelling, and inflammation in and around the gums.
Simply take a cup of warm water, add a heaped teaspoon of salt and dissolve thoroughly. Next, rinse the solution around your mouth for 30 – 40 seconds, making sure not to swallow it and spit it away when you’re finished. Repeat this process 2 – 3 times daily and you’re all set.
Oil pulling
Oil pulling with coconut oil has been found to whiten the teeth, freshen your breath, and destroy harmful bacteria in the mouth. It has also shown great promise when used to treat periodontal issues.
Simply take a tablespoon of extra virgin coconut oil in your mouth, let it dissolve, and swill it around gently for 15 – 30 minutes. Spit the oil out when you’re finished, rinse your mouth with warm water, and brush your teeth.
Tea tree oil
Tea tree oil is another potent antibacterial ingredient that may destroy harmful bacteria in the mouth eroding away at the gums.
Take a cup of warm water, add a teaspoon of tea tree oil and rinse it around your mouth for around 60 seconds. Spit it away when finished and brush your teeth as normal.
Turmeric may be a bright yellow spice, but turmeric gel will NOT stain your teeth. What it will do however, is help treat periodontitis and ease the symptoms that go with it.
Turmeric contains curcumin, which is a very powerful anti-inflammatory and can therefore help ease inflammation in and around the teeth and gums.
Oral probiotics
Finally, we have oral probiotics.
Probiotics are supplements associated with digestive health, but which has also been found to treat oral conditions too.
Taking an oral probiotic daily can help to reduce plaque build ups in the mouth and thereby reduce bacteria, plus it can ease inflammation caused by gum disease.
How to cure periodontal disease naturally
As you can see, in terms of how to fight periodontal disease at home, there are plenty of natural remedies for you to try. The thing to remember is that good oral hygiene is of paramount importance.
As well as the above, though, you should also remember to speak to your dentist regularly and get regular check-ups.
If you’re concerned about gum disease, give us a call or make an appointment online to book in for your free, no obligation consultation now.